Fluoride Treatment

Strengthening your teeth and enhancing their resistance to decay is now more accessible than ever with fluoride treatments at Bloomfield Dental. Fluoride, a natural mineral, has been proven to fortify the enamel, making your teeth more resilient against cavities.

Diving Deep into Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatments are a simple yet effective preventive measure, offering:

  • Direct nourishment to the tooth enamel
  • Reversal of early decay signs by remineralizing the teeth
  • Protection from acid attacks caused by bacteria, sugars and plaque
  • Reduction of the risk of cavities in both children and adults

Your Fluoride Treatment Experience

The fluoride treatment process is quick and hassle-free. Depending on your individual needs, our dental team might apply fluoride in the form of a gel, foam or varnish. Once applied, the fluoride immediately starts working to enhance your teeth’s natural defenses.

Advantages of Fluoride Treatments

  • Cavity Prevention: Fluoride actively combats tooth decay, reducing your need for restorative procedures.
  • Safe for All Ages: Both children, who are developing permanent teeth, and adults can benefit from fluoride treatments.
  • Enhanced Tooth Strength: Regular fluoride application can help in maintaining robust and healthy teeth.
  • Cost-Effective: Preventive measures like fluoride treatments can save costs in the long run by minimizing dental issues.


What is fluoride treatment?

Fluoride treatment is a dental procedure that involves the application of fluoride to the teeth to strengthen the enamel and prevent cavities. Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps rebuild and remineralize weakened tooth enamel, making it more resistant to decay. Professional fluoride treatments are often provided in the form of a gel, foam, varnish or rinse during a dental visit.

How does fluoride treatment benefit me?

Fluoride treatment offers several benefits, including the prevention of tooth decay and cavities. It helps to remineralize and strengthen tooth enamel, making it more resistant to the acids produced by bacteria in the mouth. Fluoride can also reverse early signs of tooth decay, preventing the need for more extensive dental treatments. Regular fluoride treatments contribute to long-term oral health, reducing the risk of tooth loss and maintaining a healthy smile.

What happens when I receive a professional fluoride treatment?

During a professional fluoride treatment, our dentist or dental hygienist will apply fluoride to your teeth using a gel, foam, varnish or rinse. The application process is quick and painless. The fluoride is typically applied with a brush, swab, tray or mouth rinse. After the application, you may be advised not to eat, drink or rinse your mouth for at least 30 minutes to allow the fluoride to fully absorb into the enamel. This helps maximize the treatment’s effectiveness.

When is fluoride treatment recommended?

Fluoride treatment is recommended for both children and adults who are at higher risk of developing cavities. Children benefit from fluoride treatments as their teeth are still developing, and it helps to prevent early tooth decay. Adults with a history of cavities, dry mouth conditions, gum disease, or those with braces or other orthodontic appliances can also benefit from regular fluoride treatments. Our dentist may recommend fluoride treatments based on your individual oral health needs and risk factors. Regular fluoride treatments are an important part of maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing dental problems.


Take a Proactive Step for Your Dental Health

Optimize your oral health with the preventive power of fluoride. Reach out to Bloomfield Dental at 562-926-6502 to set an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Vivian Villasenor, and discover the benefits of fluoride treatments in Cerritos, California, firsthand.